Opening Ceremony-Acho Rinpoche Retreat Center (Sept 2019)

23 Sept 2019 – Opening Ceremony of Acho Rinpoche Retreat at Sangchen Woesal Dzopachenpo, Dehradun, India by His Holiness the Sakya Trizin 42. Followed by Consecration of the 4th Lotus Stupa and a new Mani Konlo by HIs Holiness, circumambulating the stupas and mani prayer wheel practice at SWD as well. Auspicious rainbow appeared in the evening after successfully completed the religious event. Tashi delek.

Photo Credit: Acho Rinpoche, 2019.

2019/9/23 : 由萨迦法王主持开幕的阿楚仁波切闭关中心,位于印度德拉敦, 极密光明大圆满寺,吉祥圆满完成。开幕后蓝天降下甘露雨于闭关中心,彩虹显现天际, 瞬间不同类型的鸟儿在天空飞翔…。吉祥如意!

Acho Rinpoche Retreat Center (Night view), 2019
Acho Rinpoche Retreat Centre (day view), 2019

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