Amitayus Buddha Empowerment 長寿佛灌顶法会(24/9/2019)

2019/9/24 – 今天贡德法王与阿楚仁波切联袂主持莲师伏藏的長寿佛灌顶法会(第五佐钦法王伏藏), 于印度徳拉敦的阿楚仁波切闭关中心, 极密光明大圆满。除了50多位來自新马的同修外,千位的藏族同胞前来接受灌顶及加持。不可思议的法缘。愿吉祥圆满,扎西德乐!24 Sept 2019 – Kyabje Kunde Rinpoche la and Acho Rinpoche la jointly presided over the Amitayu Empowerment Puja (Hidden Terma revealed by HH the 5th Dzogchen Rinpoche) at Acho Rinpoche Retreat Center, Sangchen Woesel Dzogpachenpo. Thousands of Tibetan devottees/friends who came to receive the empowerment, besides the 50 odd Singaporeans

Opening Ceremony-Acho Rinpoche Retreat Center (Sept 2019)

23 Sept 2019 – Opening Ceremony of Acho Rinpoche Retreat at Sangchen Woesal Dzopachenpo, Dehradun, India by His Holiness the Sakya Trizin 42. Followed by Consecration of the 4th Lotus Stupa and a new Mani Konlo by HIs Holiness, circumambulating the stupas and mani prayer wheel practice at SWD as well. Auspicious rainbow appeared in the evening after